Prof. Dr. Sylvia Mieszkowski
researches, among other topics, on British short fiction from the fin de siècle to the present. Mieszkowski’s second book, Resonant Alterities: Sound, Desire and Anxiety in Non-Realist Fiction (2014), includes two chapters on short fiction: the first Vernon Lee’s ghost story “A Wicked Voice” (1889), and and the second on JG Ballard’s sci-fi dystopia “The Sound Sweep” (1960). An article on M.P. Shiel’s “The House of Sounds” (1911) is being prepared for publication.
Mieszkowski has taught at Amsterdam University College and the American University of Paris, and worked as a guest professor at HU Berlin, UZH Zürich and the Unversity of Bayreuth. She is also reviewer for Journal of the Short Story in English, Gender Glossar, Gender Studies and Queer Studies for IASL (online), and SoundEffects–An interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience.
Research interests: English literature from the 19th century to the present; contemporary short story; (Neo-) Victorian fiction; Jacobean drama; narrative seriality; gender studies, queer theory; cultural analysis; sound studies.
2017. “An Interview with A. L. Kennedy”. The Bottle Imp 22. Online at:
2016. “Transnational heterotopia and death-driven narcissism in A. L. Kennedy’s ‘Made over, made out’”. In Philip Coleman and Clare Hayes-Brady, eds., Short Fiction in Theory and Practice. Forthcoming.
2015. “Kitsch als Kitt: Die ‘preposterous history’ von Gilbert & Sullivans The Mikado in Mike Leighs Topsy-Turvy” [fertig gestellt], in Kathrin Ackermann and Christopher F. Laferl, eds., Kitsch und Nation. Bielefeld: [transcript], 2015.
2014. Resonant Alterities: Sound, Desire and Anxiety in Non-Realist Fiction. Bielefeld: [transcript], 2014.
2014. “Was war und ist Homosexualitätsforschung?” in Jenniver Evans, Rüdiger Lautmann, Florian Mildenberge and Jakob Pastötter (eds.) Homosexualität, Spiegel der Wissenschaften. Männerschwarm Verlag, 2014.
2014. “QueerIng Ads? Imagepflege (in) der heteronormativen Gesellschaft,” in Jörn Arendt, Lutz Hieber and York Kautt, eds., Kampf um Images: Visuelle Kommunikation in gesellschaftlichen Konfliktlagen. Bielefeld: transcript, 2014, 117–136.
2014. “Feudal Furies: Interpellation and Tragic Irony in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus”. Zeitsprünge 18 (2014), Vol. 3/4, 333–348.
2013. “Unauthorised Intercourse: Early Modern Bed Tricks and their Under-Lying Ideologies”. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 4, 2013, 319–340.
2013. “Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick” in Marianne Schmidbaur, Helma Lutz and Ulla Wischermann, KlassikerInnen Feministischer Theorie. Bd III (1986-Gegenwart). Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 2013, 285–291.